Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let God Arise, 2010

To get the best in life there must be positive and negative situations because the troubles of life are the steps you will have to step on to get to the higher floor of life and the peace that comes after every trouble is the positive…… Papa Ayo

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In this Page
Day Seventeen | Bishop Emma Isong.
Day Eighteen |
Day Nineteen | Rev. Sam Osei-Tutu
Day Twenty | Rev. Sam Osei-Tutu
Day Twenty One | Dr Lawrence Tetteh.
Day Twenty Two | Dr Lawrence Tetteh.
Day Twenty Three | Pastor Samuel O. Osaghaei.
Day Twenty Four | Bishop Abraham Chibundu
More Days

Day Seventeen

Bishop Emma Isong
Topic: Let’s Go To Your Village
Text: Matthew 21: 2, Revelations 5: 5, Colossians 2: 14- 15, Matthew 21: 3, 2nd kings 2
I shall break the covenant in my village. I shall be the lion in my village.
Every the principalities that rule my village are broken, by fire.
Every witch in my mother’s village and in my father’s village, I pull them down by fire.
Any uncle, aunty, relatives on any side, that tie my life, finance, children etc, I command by the power in the name of Jesus, be destroyed by fire. I command my life, finance, children etc, be loosed in the name of Jesus.
Every tree used as a sacrifice in my village, by the blood of Jesus, be uprooted
Every incantation done against my life in my village, I command it to catch fire.

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Day Eighteen

Highlights from the service
Text: Exodus 3:7-14
Topic: Your sorrows are over.

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Day Nineteen

Rev. Sam Osei-Tutu
Highlights from the service
Topic: The Dawning of a New Day
Text: Psalm 23:4, 123, 3rd John 1: 2, Act 16: 26, John 11: 44
Negative things people do in their mind.
They stop praising God.

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Day Twenty

Rev. Sam Osei-Tutu
Highlights from the service
Topic: Changing the Season by the Power of Grace
Text: Psalm 91: 8-10, John 5: 7-8
On your way to greatness you need grace
Mercy is God’s abilities to withhold the judgments that you deserve.
Three major things that make you stand:
1. Grace
2. Mercy
3. Vision helper

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Day Twenty One

Dr Lawrence Tetteh
Highlight of the Service
Topic: He Is In Control
Text: Genesis 37:31-32, Psalm 50: 20-21
When God wants to bless you, He separate you
When God wants you to proper, He take you to the wilderness

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Day Twenty Two

Dr Lawrence Tetteh.
Highlight of the Service
Topic: I am coming out of this trap
Text: John 10:9 -10
Many people are trap even those they are in the church this is why people stay long in church and have no testimony.
Today’s message is a rebuke to the church
If you can change some of your ways gods hand will be seen in your life.
You should remember where you have been before God step into your life. Many people have forgotting where they came from.
The enemy has stolen many people even in the church, how:
1. Through disloyalty
a. Opens you to the devil
b. It blindfold you
2. You have develop certain spirits
a. Accusations, you accuse every thing that is done in the church or by the church
b. Suspicion, you suspect everybody around you
c. Gossip, you talk too mush.
d. You slander every body. You try to bring every body around you down.
e. Murmuring and complaining. You murmur and complain about everything that is done and that is not done.
When you serve the people that have gone ahead of you, you get people to serve you.
Gal 3:1 - 5
Who is the one that is trapped
It is the one that has withdrawn. People withdraw because they now hear a different voice. There are three voices you can hear, 1. God’s voice, 2. The devil’s voice and 3. Man’s voice.
The voice you listing to will determine the direction you go to. You can only serve god though a man.

Signs of been trap.
1. You cant pray again
2. Don’t come to church again
3. Come late to church now
4. You stopped paying tithe.

Seven thing that make you fall victim to the trap
1. Pride. If there is pride in you it will not have you
2. You become self righteous.
3. You don’t take responsibility.
4. Self ambition. Overly large self ambition.
5. Jealousy. You say something bad about every thing good that happen around you.
6. Disloyalty. Do not serve with your own agented. 2nd Samuel 3: 18- ;18:5,12,14
7. You skims and do eye services.
Lord everything in me that the enemy has used to steal me away from God, I renounce them now.

Papa rounded up the service by reading 2nd Corinthians 11: 30 -33 and conducting an anointing service with a special oil brought from Israel by Dr Tetteh.

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Day Twenty Three

Pastor Sam Osaghae
Highlight of the Service
Topic: Restoration
Text: 1st Samuel 6:1 , Genesis 20: 3, 31: 24, 29.
Every thing you have prayed for, in the realm of the spirits God has release it.
Pray: This month whatever the enemy had taking from me, after seven days, it is coming back you me
Tonight God will show up and visit your enemies
Heaven shall introduced you to your enemies
Keys of Restoration
Restoration comes By:
1. Revelation
2. Advertisement
3. Judgment
4. Contact
5. Prophesy
6. Repentance

Father, any man holding what is supposed to be in my hand, visit them and restore my thing by fire.
O Lord, show my enemies my truth identity
O God, judge my enemy by the restoration of judgments
Father, contact me with the real contact that will make me explode
I scatter whatever is separating me from my contacts
Every man, standing between me and my contact, I rule you out
The person I need for my lifting, God will show them up by revelation
Whosoever I need for my contact, let them see me before my arrival

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Day Twenty Four

Bishop Abraham Chibundu
Highlight of the Service
Topic: Destiny Hijackers
Text: Ess. 10: 5 -7, Lamentations 4:1, Solo 1: 6
To hijack is to turn by force; divert it to an alternate destination; that is taking it somewhere that is not its destination.
When a man is hijacked, he deviate to work with the root
Destiny is the purpose why you are created and is the impart you make in your generation
When the enemy wants to hijack your destiny
The hijackers detect your case
A strange cover comes over your life, stars, gifts and destiny etc
The man looks like someone in the prison
You begin something and don’t finished it
You become a photocopy among the living
You live a life of slavery and wastage
He take care of no one but himself
How is destiny capture
a. From the womb
b. Through sexual immorality
What ever God has package for you in this ticket it shall come to pass
Every destiny hijackers, I take whatever you have hijacked it by force
Whatever error has occurred in your life is corrected
My destiny helper, hear my voice wherever you are, I release you. Locate me now.
Before the next seven days is over your star will shine
Every garment covering my star, potential, is consume by fire
Whatever record the enemy my has used to take my destiny, I destroy it by fire.

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